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I've chosen this picture because it suits my message about how my parents teach me about balance in life.
There will be never another one like my parents.They are the centre of my life. They show me positive strength and motivation in everything I do. They taught me about balance in life. In order to achieve happiness and success in life, we need a balance life. My parents are my precious, the one and only one.
将永远不会有另一个像我父母的人。他们是我生命的中心。他们让我 看见一切积极和正面的力量。他们教我在生活中的要达到平衡。 只有拥有一个平衡的人生,我们才可以找到幸福和成功。我的父母都 是我最珍贵的,且只有一个。
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